Friday, September 23, 2005

Hey Alberto Gonzalez, stick it up your ass!

MODESTO, CA - Okay, maybe it isn't fair to blame Alberto Gonzalez. He's just Bush's butt-boy, and butt-boys do what they are told. I wonder if you fucking retards that voted for Bush are embarassed NOW! Fucking dipshits. I mean, I really think that terrorism is NOT something to be worried about. Although I am sure that many of you idiots out there are terrified that some turban-wearing psychopath actually cares if you live or die... but that is an argument for another day. What I am certain that we can all agree upon (well, if "all" encompasses everyone with two brain cells to rub together) is that there are certainly better uses of the Justice Department's resources than creating an "Obscenity Task Force."

Yes, your government is putting together a crack team of agents to make sure that your neighbors are not watching dirty movies in the privacy of their own homes. I would like to encourage everyone who reads this think of someone who voted Republican in a swing state in 2004 and smear dog-shit on their car-door handles. Yeah, you stupid cunt... I mean you.

But...In all fairness... lets remember that Joe Lieberman and Tipper Gore are Democrats...


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