Thursday, November 11, 2004

Left wing guys are all pussies

Left Wing Guys are all Pussies
-Enrico Giamondi

PRESQUE ISLE, MAINE -- Yesterday I was confronted with the fact that I am the only male on the whole fucking left wing who STILL HAS HIS MOTHERFUCKING PENIS.

Worker rights, social justice, economic democracy...this kind of shit is not going to be gained by asking "pretty please." God fucking side has Rush Limbaugh and the most brilliant use of emotion the world has ever seen, and our team...what the fuck do we get? Mood rings, queer"Bread not bombs" bumper stickers, and fucking webmasters and editors who want to wash any debate with Marquise de Queensberry aromatherapy lotion.

Nose rings, tye dyes, Frisbees, and the moosewood cookbook haven't done shitfor the Progressive/Liberal/Radical movement. That this kind of hippie shit is why the conservatives are in power now. It's time for us to eat raw red meat and start being progressives who are ready to put down the god-fucking damned Joni Mitchell records and shake things up.

Christ, that's half the reason for this blog that nobody reads anyhow. I'm not willing to lend my writing to yetanother effete and ineffectual gathering of fucking sissy hippies who can'tbe told what shitheads they are without crying about it. There really is no other way to call someone a fucking moron than by saying "you are a fucking moron."

Do I rant? You're fuckin-A I do. Does it turn people off? You're fucking right it does. What is my response to anyone it turns off?

Two words -"blow me."

As far as the rules and standards for half the "editors" that I have dealt with go.... I would sooner stick a bottle up their ass as write for them. I don't actually think their rules are wholly unreasonable. It is their publication, and there is no legal or ethical reason to challenge their right to make an editorial decision, but the next time some liberal faggy motherfucker asks me for an article, then after it is done, asks me to "tone it down a little," or "try not to be so confrontational," I'm going to hunt them down and stab them in the face with a broken off car antenna.

I've got ethics. You might not agree with them, and you might not even appreciate them, but I'll be fucked if I'm going to tone anything down after these pussies have ass-fucked the entire progressive movement for the past thirty years. So to the editors of every left wing maxi-pad of a publication, I say: "relegate yourself to the trash heap of leftie pamphlets that I wouldn't wipe my ass with. Fuck your gay little 'zine. When you grow a set ofballs, feel free to ask me to write something for you."

Until then, tune in to Episode 245 for more fucking hard hitting journalism and gratuitous use of the word "cunt."

Oh, and fuck you.

-Enrico Giamondi


Anonymous Anonymous said...


12:55 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love you

8:04 PM  

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