Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Who scares you more? Republicans or Al Qaeda?

TYLER, TX -- Moral values…don’t get me started. But I’d just like to take every Red-Stater who voted for Bush because of some belief that he makes us safer from terrorists and sodomize them with a cactus. I could fill this fucking blog with examples (like that dumb little cunt whose mother died in the World Trade Center, who said that Bush made her feel safe – you stupid little cunt).

As another example, “Jamie” from Greenville, SC posted this on the George W. Bush re-election website:

"Dear Mr. President- I just want to thank you for being someone that I can really look up to. Being a 17 year old teenager, it's hard to find someone who has all the qualities you possess these days. I admire all the dignity, courage, loyalty, concern, and devotion you showed during times of war. I just want you to know that I support you, as well as our troops, 100 percent, and I know you are doing all that you can to keep us safe. When I vote for my first time in the 2004 election, I will be voting for my hero, and favorite President; George W. Bush. Thank you for all that you do for our country and its people! You are a true angel, and I feel safe knowing that America has someone like you watching over us! God Bless You and Thank you once again, Mr. President. "

Jamie, Greenville, SC

Let me state first, Jamie is such a fucktard. This guy, well first of all, is from South Carolina. Nuff said. You fucking dumb as shit redneck. You think that Bush the Cunt (cunt sounds so much better than “second”) keeps you safe? Well, dumbbumblefuck, how many people have EVER died from terrorism in the USA? What, 3,000 total? What was Bin Laden’s death count? 2,976 (excluding the highjackers). More people died on September 11th from tobacco-caused illnesses than died in both towers’ collapse…but that’s another story.

Consider just this one issue posted on CNN today:

Study links smog increase, urban deaths
Tuesday, November 16, 2004 Posted: 4:00 PM EST (2100 GMT)

CHICAGO, Illinois (Reuters) -- Increases in air pollution caused by cars, power plants and industry can be directly linked to higher death rates in U.S. cities, a study said Tuesday.

Reducing such ozone pollution by about 35 percent on any given day could save about 4,000 lives a year across the country, researchers at the Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies said.

So…the same douchebag who sold us out to the oil companies, who sold us out to the Saudi royal family, who as one of his first acts in office did away with mileage and pollution regulations is KEEPING US SAFE? Personally, I would rather die in a terrorist attack than waste away from fucking pollution-caused debilitating diseases. But, Bush keeps us safe? I wish that it was only the stupid fucks in South Carolina who bought this shit, but it appears to be 52% of this fucking country. I can’t believe that a terrorist even considers us worthy of killing us with stupidity like this so rampant here. If Al Qaeda really wanted to get us, they should just ignore us. Kind of like locking a retard in a room with a box of razor blades, a bowl, and a quart of milk. Eventually the retard will try and eat the razor blades. I guess, what the fuck do I know about retards except that 9 out of 10 of them support Bush, and the other 1 supports Barney the cunting dinosaur – the smart ‘tard that is.

So…do the math, Jamie, and the rest of your stupid-as-fuck family. 4000 die a year from deaths that we could prevent. Bush is in office for 4 years so far – 16,000 dead. Four more years, 32,000 dead. Ok, lets just say that it is not fair to blame him from all of the deaths in the USA from pollution. But I am very comfortable blaming him for 10% of them. So, Bin Laden killed 2,976 people. Bush, just through his dropping to his knees to take it up the ass from the house of Saud, and the Texas Oil magnates, has a body count of 3,200. Even if we forget about every other death that this Nazi fuck has caused….he’s still worse. At least Bin Laden killed 2,700 people to further a political goal (as misguided as you may think it is). Bush killed his for nothing more than PROFIT.

I don’t know about you, but I’m WAY more scared of Republicans than I am scared of Al Qaeda.


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