Thursday, March 23, 2006

First they come for the Pornographers

LEXINGTON, KY - I just read an interview with Milos Forman, the director of "The People vs. Larry Flynt." That movie should be required viewing for EVERY American. If you don't own it, click here.

Forman said that he admires Flynt as a person, which even I admit might be a stretch. The movie has many omissions, inaccuracies, and it definitely sugar-coats the details of Flynt's life. Do a google search for the movie title, and you'll find dozens of "feminist critiques" and crap like that regarding the movie. It washes over or ignores a horde of negative facts about Flynt. Big deal. The point of the movie is NOT that Flynt was a saint. The point is that even a scumbag (I think that is how Flynt describes himself in the movie) can be an unlikely champion of ALL of our rights. Like him or not, Flynt suffered a lot so that the rest of us could be free. When the fuck did Jerry Falwell, George Bush, (or any other motherfucker who claims to want to protect our freedom) do that?

The rest of this is pretty much lifted from here.

Milos Forman said that the movie was about Flynt's public struggle for freedom. "It was my own life experience that told me I should make this movie,' says the Czech-born filmmaker. I've lived in two societies where it was the pornographers and perverts who were publicly attacked and censored first -- the Nazis and the Communists. We all applauded -- who wants perverts running through the streets, after all?

"It's the easiest thing for the government to find support for censorship of pornography. But they are smart; they have ways of formulating the laws, so that you suddenly learn that Shakespeare was a pervert, Jesus was a pervert ... that, in fact, eveyone who does not conform with the government is a super-pervert.

"That is, of course, devastating for creativity, and for the quality of life -- for everything." continues Forman. "Now these regimes have stagnated and disappeared. They may rise up from the ashes under different names. But you will know, because the first thing they will attack will be the pornographers."

Ok, the rest of this is mine....

Tell me.... Doesn't Milos Forman's evaluation of the Nazis and the Communists just smack a little bit of today's Bush administration? Take a look at the Justice Department's "priority" -- prosecuting obscenity. OBSCENITY! Here is a good article about this foolishness.

Better yet... look at the sneaky shit creeping up under Section 2257. Free Speech Coalition. And, other regulations that are supposedly to "protect us."

Fuck these christian/republican assholes. Fuck them in the ass. Don't say I didn't warn you. I've got somewhere to go when its time to flee this country. Do you?


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