Thursday, October 06, 2005

I wish that I had voted for Gore and Kerry

MT. DORA, FL -- No, I didn't write this... but it gave me a laugh. I dedicate this to all the fucking idiots who voted for Bush either time, but especially the fucktards who voted for him in 2004.

I am sitting here reflecting on how the world would have been different if I had not voted for Bush.

First, 9/11 would have never happened because Gore can read a PDB and he would have stopped the hijacking of the airliners. Even if 9/11 had happened under Gore, he would not have gone to war with Iraq and lost 2000 of our troops, maimed 10,000 others and killed 100,000 Iraqis. We would not have squandered 200 billion dollars on the Iraq war and might have had some money around for Katrina instead of having to borrow it from China.

Gas would not be $3.29 a gallon because Gore and Kerry wouldn't have given their oil company cronies and their Saudi backers the big favor of wiping out all the vehicle mileage standards, and the Middle East would not be destabilized, and Gore and Kerry would have insisted on conservation.

Both Gore and Kerry would have recognized the global warming problems and maybe Katrina would not have been so bad, had we acted to stop the Gulf of Mexico from heating up so much.

Under Gore and Kerry, the government would not be bankrupt and my grandchildren would not be saddled with debt, and I could possibly look forward to receiving some social security when I retire.

Both Gore and Kerry would veto the pork barrel spending bills that have forced our country into virtual bankruptcy. And finally, we would not be elevated incompetent men and woman to positions of high authority just because they kiss the Presidents ass.

WHOOPS! Wait a minute! I DID vote for Gore and Kerry. It was YOU that voted for Bush twice and have ruined our country!


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