Thursday, November 18, 2004

Colin Powell is a fuckhead

HOUMA, LA - I am sitting in a strip club built from an old double-wide trailer. The parking lot is mud, and there is nothing but oil fields outside for as far as the eye cares to see -- you could see further, but then you would have to look at fat toothless dumbasses who actually voted for David Duke. I have paid each stripper $5 to put her shirt on. Is it just me, or does every broad in this fucking town have tits that look like spoiled potatoes?

Today, the UPI Reports that U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell claims that there is evidence Iran is developing a missile system to deliver nuclear warheads. (I just shot coffee out my nose).

"I have seen some information that would suggest that they have been actively working on delivery systems." Powell told reporters.

You know what, Colin, I actually believe you. But I can't picture anyone else believing you. You played your little minstrel show before the United Nations about Iraq so masterfully -- you should have been in overalls with no shoes on, and you should have ended each sentence with "sho' nuff!"

Can I just give a little advice to you, dumbass? You took an oath to protect and defend the CONSTITUTION of the United States...not the lying assed president. You let them use you like a stupid little puppet. Now your credibility sucks.

You could have sacked up and come out with the truth. Yes, it would have cost Bush the presidency -- oh noo. Of course, you would have wound up the first Black president in 2008 (and hell, I would have voted for you). You don't have your job now anyway. But instead, you decided to play Uncle Tom.

Now, you and this country will never be able to say "weapons of mass destruction" without the whole world laughing at us.

The biggest laugh will come from Iran as it develops a nuke and a missile with which to deliver it and we will be powerless to do anything.

And history will blame YOU for destroying our credibility. You fuckhead.


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