Thursday, November 18, 2004

Land of the Rats, Home of the Cowards

PROJACK, UT -- America is not a is an idea. That idea has been lost on this administration, and frankly, on 95% of all Americans. And don’t think that I only blame George W. Bush, because none of us have done enough to defend the Bill of Rights for the past four years. Hell, I’m smarter than all of you fucking morons and I could have done more. I should have done more, because I know better.

America. Land of the free. Home of the brave. Think about those concepts. I happen to fucking love them. We’ve allowed them to become nothing more than pissed-upon historical footnotes.

Home of the Brave? I'm sorry, but we're NOT the home of the brave anymore. We're home of the sissies. The panty-waisted sissies. The excuse for running a thick black magic marker over the Bill of Rights has been "security” and most of you bought it, hook-line-and sinker.

I used to think that America was personified by John Wayne. Kicking ass and taking names. Mess with us? We'll kick your ass, but we'll never give up our freedom. In fact, we’ll even die for other people’s freedom, let alone our own.

"Give me liberty or give me death!" Remember that quaint little quote?

Well, we're not John Wayne anymore, we've become Woody Allen as a child, with an overprotective mother who makes us wear helmets when we eat, and elbow pads when we ride a bike. Would I take an added risk of dying in a terrorist attack to keep the Bill of Rights? You're fuckin-A I would. So who do you want to be? Woody Allen or John Wayne?

Land of the Free, home of the Brave? We will win the war on terror? We have LOST the war on terror already. Yes, Al Qaeda WON. The loser of a war is the one whose way of life is conquered by the other, and my friends, we have been conquered. And you (and I) let it happen. Fucking wuss-bags. Cowering behind our duct tape.

We're not brave - we civilians think it's fine to send young people to die in Iraq, ostensibly for our freedom (and for the purposes of this missive, I'll accept that as why we are in Iraq, and I will accept that we belong there). But we're not willing to risk a .000001% chance of a terrorist attack to keep the Bill of Rights intact so those kids recognize the United States when they return from the war? Fuck that. We owe our soldiers in Iraq, and ourselves, that much. We want them to fly helicopters into hostile fire? We want them to patrol the streets of Baghdad, risking their lives every day, but we won’t do our part to preserve democracy at home?

We make me fucking sick.

Let some bastard attack us many of us can he kill? 3,000? 30,0000? 3,000,000? Who the fuck cares? I know, what if you were one of those 3,000? Well, are you brave enough to risk your security for freedom? Probably not, you panty-waisted sissy. Freedom. I want to paint that word on a bat and smash your fucking face in with it.

Land of the Free? Our freedom has been under attack, but not by Osama Bin Laden, and not by Sadaam Hussein. In fact, as bad as those two bastards are, neither of them ever threatened my FREEDOM. I wish that I could say the same for John Ashcroft and George W. Bush. Sure, you say "well if you're not doing anything wrong, you don't need the Fourth, Fifth, or Sixth Amendments." Then stand up and fight to repeal the Bill of Rights. It’s the same procedure as amending the Constitution to prohibit gay marriage, which so many Americans seem to think is a great idea (which I just cant figure out for the life of me – why gays would WANT to be married, and why the rest of us give a shit). No, because you WANT the Bill of Rights to be there, because you never know when you might need it.

The last time a tyrant named George ruled this country, I thought we learned our lesson. That lesson is where the Bill of Rights sprang from – that is where the idea that became America germinated.

I don't care how conservative you are, do you trust an unchecked executive branch with the decision to detain you without trial? Do you think you don't need an attorney if you're arrested? Do you think that perhaps there should be a WARRANT with judicial oversight before your home is ransacked? How about that quaint and irritating First Amendment? You don't care because you don't say anything unpopular? You don't care because you happen to share your religious beliefs with Ashcroft and Bush (and Joe Lieberman, and Tipper Gore)? You don't care because you're not an Atheist, you're not gay, you're not muslim? You don’t care because you don’t read anything “subversive?”

If you think that, remember the words of Pastor Niemoller:

"First they came for the Communists but I was not a Communist - so I said nothing. Then they came for the Social Democrats, but I was not a Social Democrat - so I did nothing. Then came the trade unionists, but I was not a trade unionist. And then they came for the Jews, but I was not a Jew - so I did little. Then when they came for me, there was no one left who could stand up for me."

If you are reading this, chances are you have an American passport, which means you are a fucking sissy, so I don't know why I am bothering, but here goes -- STAND UP FOR YOUR FREEDOM, YOU PUSSY!.

We can recover from four years of failed economic policies. We can rebuild anything that any terrorist tries to destroy. We can't get our Bill of Rights back once it is gone. Poof. There it goes, and it is your fault.


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